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Asian Dining Room Design Ideas

EIRE Interiors & Home StagingEIRE Interiors & Home Staging
Photo of an asian dining room in Malaga.
Apartment at Malabar Hill
Apartment at Malabar Hill
ns*a Architecture and Interiorsns*a Architecture and Interiors
Photo of an asian dining room in Mumbai with brown walls and white floor.
W 26 Barsati
W 26 Barsati
Shreya Krishnan Design OfficeShreya Krishnan Design Office
Satyansh Singh
Asian dining room in Delhi with white walls and grey floor.
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Design ideas for an asian kitchen/dining combo in Kyoto with white walls, medium hardwood floors and beige floor.
Sheila Rich Interiors, LLCSheila Rich Interiors, LLC
An Asian-inspired server with dark wood adds dramatic contrast and a unique element as well as extra storage space. The artwork featuring shells and coral along with the coral collection on the dining table are in sync with the beach view. Photography: Lauren Hagerstrom
Essence of Japan, Ealing, London
Essence of Japan, Ealing, London
Yoko Kloeden DesignYoko Kloeden Design
Small asian open plan dining in London with light hardwood floors and panelled walls.
Photo of an asian dining room in Other with white walls, dark hardwood floors and brown floor.
Apartment 1 Berlin
Apartment 1 Berlin
Paris 56 fine interiorsParis 56 fine interiors
Essbereich & Küche
Photo of an asian dining room in Berlin.
LDKという発想にとらわれず、座スタイルで家族と団らんを過ごせる空間に。 外と仕切る建具は壁の中に引き込めるので大開口が可能になり、庭と一体となった暮らしが実現します。
This is an example of an asian open plan dining in Other with white walls, a wood stove and light hardwood floors.
Barnards Carpet One Floor & HomeBarnards Carpet One Floor & Home
laminate flooring
Design ideas for a large asian open plan dining in Miami with beige walls, laminate floors and no fireplace.
株式会社 木村工務店株式会社 木村工務店
Photo by Yuko Tada
Photo of a mid-sized asian open plan dining in Osaka with a wood stove and a tile fireplace surround.
Bainbridge Island Retreat
Bainbridge Island Retreat
Ben Trogdon ArchitectsBen Trogdon Architects
Mid-sized asian open plan dining in Seattle with white walls, light hardwood floors, no fireplace and beige floor.
Stunning Malachite Dining Room
Stunning Malachite Dining Room
Daniel Jackson PhotoDaniel Jackson Photo
Design by Carlos Bernal of Esthetica Interiors. Photos by Daniel Jackson
This is an example of an asian separate dining room in Other with green walls and medium hardwood floors.
Arlo Signature - Modin Rigid LVP Collection Customer Space - NV
Arlo Signature - Modin Rigid LVP Collection Customer Space - NV
Arlo Signature from the Modin Rigid LVP Collection - Modern and spacious. A light grey wire-brush serves as the perfect canvass for almost any contemporary space.
An Apartment, Surat
An Apartment, Surat
Aangan ArchitectsAangan Architects
Inspiration for an asian dining room in Other with white walls and grey floor.
古城が丘の家 HEARTH ARCHITECTS 本計画は、クライアントの「ひとつ屋根の下」というキーワードからスタートした計画です。敷地は間口が広く南西角地で敷地の広さにも余裕のある好立地な条件。 そこでその立地条件をいかし南北に大きな屋根をかけ、外部から内縁側、内部、そして二階へとその大きな屋根がひと続きで繋がり、仕切りを最小限にすることで「ひとつ屋根の下」で「家族がひとつになれる」住まいを目指した。将来性を考え子供室以外を一階に配置した、開放的な外構と軒の深いどっしりとした平屋のような佇まいは、この地域でのひとつの象徴となる建物となった。
Southport Villa
Southport Villa
Alhadeff ArchitectsAlhadeff Architects
Mark Roskams
Inspiration for an asian dining room in New York with beige walls and medium hardwood floors.
Luxurious Zen Resort - Paradise Valley
Luxurious Zen Resort - Paradise Valley
IMI Design, LLCIMI Design, LLC
photo by: Dino Tonn Photography
This is an example of an asian dining room in Phoenix with beige walls.
Blinds and Drapes Side panel combinations
Blinds and Drapes Side panel combinations
Trendy Blinds & ClosetsTrendy Blinds & Closets
Trendy Blinds: The breakfast area bay window was a key focal point for this home. The combination of blinds and drapes provided a modern yet elegant solution.

Asian Dining Room Design Ideas

Estate - Utah County - (44)
Estate - Utah County - (44)
Magleby ConstructionMagleby Construction
Large asian dining room in Salt Lake City with beige walls, medium hardwood floors and brown floor.